Friday, January 6, 2012

The COOL way to lose fat!

The COOL way to lose fat!
CoolSculpting by Zeltiq
The new, non-invasive way to reduce fat! No downtime. You can get right back to work or play. Naturally removes fat cells over time. You start to see results in as little as three weeks. Non-invasive procedure. It is comfortable with absolutely no scarring.
You're physically fit and your weight is stable. You have a healthy diet and lifestyle.
But, no matter how much you exercise or diet, you have lumps, bumps, and bulges you just can't get rid of.
Men and woman alike face the frustrating truth of it every day : A muffin top. Love handles. Back fat - not much, but just enough to show through a snug-fitting t-shirt or blouse. These small areas of fat don't seem to warrant a surgical prodeduce. But you're tempted. What else can you do?
Now you can experience CoolSculpting. This revolutionary procedure uses a precisely controlled cooling method called "Cryolipolysis" to target, cool and eliminate fat cells without damage to surrounding tissue.
After a 1-3 hour procedure, you body goes to work. Over the next 2-4 months the crystallized fat cells break down an they are naturally flushed from your body.
See it for yourself.
What will my results be?: On average each CoolSculpting procedures results in a 20% reduction of fat in the treated area. After initial treatment you can attain additional treatments. However some patients find that one treatement fully addresses their goals.
What does it feel like?: You'll feel pressure and intense cold. This soon dissipates and then you can comfortably relax, read a book or take a nap for the next hour.
Can I return to normal activities after?: Yes! It is completely non-invasive so you can go back to work or normal activities.
No cutting, no needles, no downtime. Safe, comfortable, convenient. Natural, and effective. Clinically proven!
Call for a FREE consultation today 519-837-1897!!
Guelph Medical Laser Phone: (519)837-1897
89 Dawson Road Suite 209 Email:
Guelph ON N1H 1B1

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